Welcome to Rockingal Entertainment
Hi and welcome. This site is the parent site to my other websites which later listed under Hosted Links on the left side of this page. Below that is the Rock 103 – feed which is linked straight from the server.
Got Music You Want To Promote???
Let us know at indemusic@rock103.ca
Your tunes will be mentioned on the Rock 103 Edmonton website in the Indie Music Artist section. Your song will be played on the station on a heavy rotation. If you want feed back coming directly to you, enter an email address along with your song suggestion. If you have a music video, if you have your video on your YouTube channel, send us the link and it will be added to the Music Video playlist at TV Show City. Also, you music video could be shown on the Rock 103 website.
*Check out the site links shown at the left column of this page that are hosted by Rockingal Entertainment.
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The Rocking Al Show Podcast
A podcast about entrepreneurship, self-development, oldies shows, indie artists and more. New mini and full podcasts are uploaded daily and weekly. You can also get the podcasts on the PodBean, TuneIn, Spotify and Google Podcast Apps. Check for updates on the Rock 103 website at rock103.ca.